On the 11th day of Christmas, our true love gave to us…Shawna Keyes!
Website - https://keyestosonshine.com
📚Title of Book: The Adventure of Asher and Rocket
Inspired by a true story, this fun illustration tells the NICU experience from Asher's perspective. Follow Asher and Rocket as they blast through the NICU, conquering each mission to get home. This story gives hope and encourages readers to celebrate the process of growth.
#TheAdventureofAsherandRocket #NICU #PrematureStory #KeyesToSonshine #FamilyTime #Stories #BedtimeStory #KidsRead #Inspire #StoryBooks #ChildrenLiteracy #ChildrenBooks #KidsLit #StockingStuffer #Holiday #AdventureBooks #Space #library #PictureBook #BabyBook #Babygift
I’m going to buy this one for Kylee