Say hello to Gin Spaulding

Let’s greet our newest friend, Gin Spaulding!


A Miracle at Bates Memorial, Picture Perfect - NOT, Jump-O-Ween, and No Kiss - No Hug

Gin Noon Spaulding is an author, teacher, speaker, and child advocate who helps families and organizations understand, learn accommodation tools, and find true acceptance for children with sensory issues. By doing this, the child, family, and organization can excel aside from their differences. Mrs. Spaulding's children's book series, The Adventures of Li-Li, is centered around her daughter and the sensory issues/speech delay she had when she was little. It contains four books: A Miracle at Bates Memorial (an introduction to Li-Li's family and sensory issues), Picture Perfect - NOT (a book about sensory issues to light, where Li-Li refuses to have her picture taken), Jump-O-Ween (a book about proprioceptive sensory issues, where Li-Li refuses to leave the jumpy at Halloween), and No Kiss - No Hug (a book about sensory issues to touch, where Li-Li is very nervous about the hugs and possible kisses her grandparents may give her while visiting Tennessee). All children, especially those with sensory issues, will emphasize and relate to Li-Li. Children will love the Li-Li Letdown that Li-Li talks about in every book.

⭐️ Gin Spaulding - Author, Speaker, Child Advocate

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