Mrs. Ashbury & Friends

Meet Maikel Diane Brown

Meet Maikel Diane Brown

“Do You Know Why You’re Awesome August?”
Inspired by a true and loving relationship that I have with my daughter, I created a story of hypothetical questions a child might ask their grown-up in the future about LIFE!

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Meet Shaneice White

Meet Shaneice White

Black Girls Make Magic
Destiny is a young girl filled with vigor and love for herself!

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Mrs. Ashbury & Friends welcomes Shantel Murat

Mrs. Ashbury & Friends welcomes Shantel Murat

Have you ever missed your mom so much, you wished you could bake her? That’s exactly what Skyler and Seven plan to do. They fill her up with brown sugar and kisses to make her just right!

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Mrs. Ashbury & Friends

Mrs. Ashbury & Friends

We are so excited to bring to you, Mrs. Ashbury & Friends!

We have reached out to Children's Authors across the nation. They are now our friends and we can't wait to share with you all of their books. Stay tuned!

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