Meet Paula M. Karll!


The Adventures of Ellie and Eve: Ellie Meets The New Baby

Paula M. Karll is an avid educator with over 10 years of experience working with grades K through12. As a wife and mother, she has direct experience navigating challenges that families face every day and uses the art of storytelling and her love of literacy to offer actionable tools and practical solutions. As a graduate from Trinity Christian College with a master’s degree in Special Education, Karll has extensive experience working with parents, educators, and schools to help provide supportive services for diverse learners.


Education opens the doors of opportunity and books allow children to explore and learn through identifying with characters and content. Representation is important in the books that are accessible to our children. It is important that we celebrate the things we have in common while embracing our unique individuality. As a member of a diverse family, Paula emphasize the importance of love, kindness, and inclusiveness. Families come in different shapes and forms yet are bonded by the experiences that they create together. Reading is one of the very significant ways that Paula has connected with my family and her community. The Adventures of Ellie and Eve is her gift to other families developed during the pandemic...a time that many families had to pivot and engage children creatively at home.

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